Well...I didn't do so hot recording my food this weekend. I tend to get sidetracked on the wknds. Gotta work on that. I know I can use my cell phone for pictures, but usually remember after I have eaten.
Anyway, on friday night we had a tornado come through town. An F4. It hit just west and north of my town. The airport is just now getting back to normal flights, and the town of Maryland Heights got hit severly. Thank God it missed my house/neighborhood. I did spend an hour or so in the basement.
All that to say, I've learned some eating triggers. I eat mindlessly when I am nervous/scared. Which I was nervous on friday night. I decided to eat more of the hot and spicy cheezits than I needed. (which was none, but they were there)
Saturday morning I left the house early to go to the store and then to church to meetup with folks to help clean up tornado hit areas. I don't remember what I ate, probably beef jerky or a protein bar. I ate some more protein while we were cooking lunch for the workers. And I drank alot during that time.
Around 1 I left the tornado neighborhood and headed to my brothers house to prepare Greek food for Easter dinner. Don't remember what I ate, but know I was sure that i had gotten in my protein and liquids for saturday.
I went to my dad's house around 6 to make our family Easter tradition, Easter Pie. It's more like a cheesy/meaty quiche than a pie, and it is def not a dessert. I tasted it after it was made and didn't think I wanted much.
Ok, that's saturday.
I'll get sunday later. Headed to the store to get stuff to make a protein full pudding pie.