Monday, September 5, 2011

life issues

I interpret for the Deaf at my church. I love doing this. I normally only interpret the music, which God has blessed me with, but this past Sunday I was able to do the entire sermon. Let me say, I love how God is at work before we even know about issues. I go to West Hills Community Church in St. Louis, Mo. If you are ever in town, please come visit. It is such an amazing church. Same as many, but different in the way our Pastor teaches. Gary Brooks is an amazing teacher. I have grown up under some "fire-and-brimestone" preachers (not my preference) and under some other preachers who were good as well. But, Gary has a way about him "behind the pulpit". He is tender, and sensitive to what the Spirit is doing. He is heartfelt with his words and his emotions are evident to all. I knew that the preacher at this church was something special from the start.
So this sunday, Gary preached on "The Why? of your life." When you interpret a sermon, you really understand what is being said. In order to correctly interpret the meaning, you must understand what the speaker is saying/meaning. In ASL there isn't always a specific sign for a word used, so you must quickly change that word to a synonym, or the meaning of the sentence, and sign that. I really seem to get so much more from the sermon when I sign it. I also have to portray the emotion of the speaker. Gary gets choked up, then I must somehow portray that to my listeners. This week it was like the sermon was written just for me. Isn't that cool! All those people were sitting there listening to a sermon written just for me! haha. I think it is amazing how God works.

This is going to be long, so if you don't have time. Cool. Just understand that God is good and at work in all of our lives, even if we don't know that.

Life is good. God is good, all the time! I believe that with all my heart. I think if you know me personally, than you would say that my life has been good, blessed. I have an amazing family and am blessed with a great church family. I lost my Mother 8yrs ago to liver cancer, but have all the rest of my family here. I am blessed. I could list things, but just know that I am aware of the fact that what I have is a direct result of God's blessings in my life. I work hard, but it's all God.
I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education. I moved to California and taught 6th grade for four years. I loved my kids. They were and are amazing. I am blessed to still keep in contact with many of them. I love seeing what is going on in their lives. It saddens me when they are hurting, but I know God is working in their lives, or waiting for them to ask him back into the day to day. After 4 yrs there, my mother was ill and needed more help than was able to be given. I missed being near my family and so decided to move back in with my parents to help care for my mother. It was a great choice. I had 2 amazing years with my Mom before she went to Heaven.
When I moved home, my sister-in-law helped me find a great job at the Genome Institute, where I have been for 10 yrs now. This is an amazing opportunity to be at the research level of helping people medically. The research that is done at the GI is crucial for cancer research and many other things. I really love seeing what happens with our research. However, I am not a scientist by trade. I am good at what I do there, and am constantly learning, but it took a while to accept that I wasn't a teacher.
I attempted to get a teaching job for about 3 yrs during this time. I found nothing. I had interviews, and that was all. I really believe that God was closing that part of my life. I loved teaching and still am a darn good teacher (only because God gifted me), but classroom teaching I don't believe is ever going to be for me again. I do however tutor and LOVE it. I like being able to see right away that they do or don't understand me, and the challenge of changing things up immediately to enhance their learning experiences. I will, hopefully, always be a personal tutor. I'm good at it and love it.
If only we could all make a living doing what we are passionate about. That is a challenge to me. I want to tell young kids just starting out, that they should do what they love, but the hardness of life makes me want to tell them to do what will provide for themselves and their families. That is awful. Really? Make money and then add in what  you love? How horrible. But fact is... you need money here on earth. Sometimes, what you love is not money making. Well.. enough of that, still processing how to express that stuff to others.
Back to the sermon..... Gary talked about how we focus on the how and what of life. How do we make money? What do we do for money? but most of us don't think about the Why? do we make money? or whatever it is. Why? do we take care of our houses? Why? do we do what we do? why do we pray?
Most of us focus on the how and what? how do we pray? how do we love others? how do we take care of our church? how do we protect our families? but not the Why????
It's important to know why we do the things we do. How do I work? I give all I have when I'm there. What do I do for work? I work in a research lab. But why? Why do I work? that's another question.
How do I pray? when things are tough? when I am going to sleep? when I wake up? when I am scared?
What do I pray? thanksgiving? requests for others??
Why do I pray? hmmmmm. God loves me more than anything and I love him the same? I'm scared and need help above myself? Why DO I pray? good question and one for me alone to know the answers to right now.

Here's the question of my day. Why? Why do I love my neighbors? Why do I think about going back to school? Why would I want to be a nutritionist? Why do I want to pursue my ASL training and certification? Why do I own my home? Why do I put my family first? These are what I am dwelling on right now.

If you are interested, Gary's sermons are available online.
Not pushing, just putting out there if you are interested.

Thanks for listening!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Life has been very easy for me since surgery, and I am super appreciative of that fact. I believe that has been a push towards my success. I am down 106 lbs from my highest weight. I feel wonderful. I can't imagine as I continue to lose more. I am hoping for around 80 more max. Would be happy with at least 40 more lost.

I wrote last time about my exercise struggles. They are still here, just not as bad. I've started back this week. Kicked my butt on wednesday, and feel good about it today. I am hoping to get into the gym tonight, but doubt it. I am going to an English class to help foreign speakers learn conversational english.

I have a major stress/sinus headache, left over migraine, so I am assuming I won't hit the gym today.
I work my demonstration job this saturday and then party for my nephew's 21st birthday. So the weekend looks gone!!!

I also get to interpret the sermon and songs this sunday. I am always excited about that.

Hope you all have a great 3-day weekend.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Church and exercise

Sitting in church and can't focus! This is horrible. How do we focus on the here and now when we are preoccupied? All I can think of right now is my weight loss journey. How good i feel and look... How to stop this past eating from coming back.... How will I get my protein in today?.... How much water have I had so far?....  You get the picture!  
I am so concerned about my exercise. I haven't been to the gym in almost 2 months!!!! I walked for a month of that and I'm ok with that, but then I hit 100lb loss and it's like I quit. I also am nervous to go back to the gym and see how much energy/ability I have lost over this time. 
I am not going to let that stop me. I am going to the gym tmw. No matter what!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dumb Wagon!!!

So I fell off the dumb wagon yesterday! I've been holding on for a while and my grip has been getting looser as this last week past. I haven't been to the gym since June. A whole month, and I can't believe it. I'm so upset that I did this, and know it's got to change. I also have pushed my eating. I haven't gotten sick from bad things, but I started pushing it the middle of July. I was making cakes like crazy one week and it was tempting. I fought the temptation all week and on saturday I just had to taste my chocolate cupcake filled with Nutella buttercream. I've been so good about not eating my baking, but that was the tipping point. Since then, I've tried all kinds of things. If it's not too high in sugar, sure, I'll try it. WHAT AM I DOING? I so wanted to get super physically ill from fat and sugar and I don't. I get uncomfortable, but that's nothing new. I've always gotten "uncomfortable" from sweets. That has never stopped me before.
Yesterday we had a potluck at work. Not my first since surgery, but it was the hardest. Now that I am six months out I can eat a little of everything, mostly. But how I wish I couldn't. I sorta wish I were at 3 months again. I could eat some things, not all soft foods, but not anything.  I am thinking the honeymoon might be over.
I have lost 90lbs since january and now only 2 this month. Yep, this is going to be hard again. Well I enjoyed it while it lasted. I will still enjoy it, but know it's more on me now than before.
So, what am I going to do about  it?
1) Back to basics: Protein first. A plate that is 1/2 protein, 1/4 vegie and 1/4 good carbs. What does that look like? broccoli that is in my freezer and no more corn. Quinoa and whole grains, nothing not whole grain. Less processed foods. I will still eat my protein bars, but try to eat a natural protein more often. So maybe one bar a day. And 15-20 grams of protein per meal.
2) Eat 6 times a day, small meals. That is not what everyone says, they all say 3 meals no snacking. But what worked for me this past 6 months was eating every 2-3 hours. That means wake up and eat high protein. 3 hrs later eat high get the picture.
3) Drink my 64 oz of water plus EVERY DAY! I'm good for one day, then slack the next.
4) Write down what I am eating. When I eat it. I have slacked on that too. I'm grateful one of my WLS buddies called me on that. I use and love it!!!!!!
5) No drinking with meals. I found that I could eat a little more if I drank while I ate. I told myself it was just for special occasions, but....well, it became habit again. 30min after eating for sure, and 15-30 before if possible.
6) Exercise.... 30 minutes a day is the suggested/required. So, back to it. I have outgrown all my workout clothes. Good excuse, huh? So I have two pairs of workout pants. I will wash them tonight and stick them in my backpack. I will make this work. My excuse this month has been that I take the train and don't have enough clothes. So, kill that. I will carry my clothes in my packpack everyday. No excuse. I will take train A to the stop and switch to train B that goes to my gym. Literally 1/2 block walk. Then take train B back to train A and go home. It's really not that complicated.
7) I will quit eating out. It's not that eating out is bad, but it has gotten me out of the habit of measuring and being super careful. I will pack my lunches for the week and take it to work ahead of time. That way I only have a big lunch bag one day a week. Then use my Trader Joe's cool red one for supolemental stuff.
8) I will be sure to take ALL  my vitamins EVERY day. No more excusing the skipping. My stats were good at 6 months, but I need to be sure they stay good.  I will go tonight to buy my b12 and start taking that daily again.

Wow, that sounds like a lot, but I know it's a spiral and doing one thing right makes it easier to do the other things right.

THIS IS MY LIFE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. I am not "normal" and never will be "normal". Who is? I chose this journey because I want to be healthy and look good. Yes, I want to look good. I want to find a man who I please visually. I want to continue feeling like I don't stand out in a crowd for my size. I want to be healthy for the children that God allows me to have! I want to do so many things that I haven't done because I let my weight stop me.

Wagon...hold on. I'm Back!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

altered salad recipes


I want to be sure to let all of you know that the salads that follow are not original to me. They are mixed around and switched from a bunch of recipes. If you want to get the originals, feel free to ask. I don't use measuring spoons or cups, I go by the look of it. Does it look like it needs more, then add some more. Eating is done with the eyes, the nose and the mouth. Also, most ingredients can be found at Aldi's, some at Trader Joes and some at main grocery stores.  Otherwise, here are my versions:

Strawberry Chicken Salad
1pint strawberries (cut up to your prefered size) Aldi's
1 pint blueberries (can skip) Aldi's
1 can chicken (shredded with fork)  Aldi's
sunflower seeds for crunch (maybe 1/3 cup)  Aldi's
some basil ( I just shoke it in for some color, but the added flavor is awesome)  Aldi's
spinach for the base (I like my spinach cut up real small to match the size of the fruit)  Aldi's

2-3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
any low-fat, low-sugar balsamic vinagrette  (I use Maple Groves Farms Gluten Free Sugar Free Fat Free Balsamic Vinagrette)  Schnucks

Dump all of it in a bowl and mix. This was really good on day two also. This could also be frozen if desired)


Mexican Salad
1 can black beans rinsed Aldi's
1 can garbanzo beans rinsed   Aldi's  or Trader Joe's
2 green onions (use the white part as well)   main grocery stores
1 lime Aldi's
salsa to taste  or rotel   Aldi'sblack olives chopped  Aldi's
greek yogurt   Trader Joe's or sour cream Aldi's
tortilla chips  Aldi's

Mix all ingredients in bowl and serve. Can be used as a dip or as a salad.  If you want it as a dip, try blending the garbanzo and black beans together with some salsa and greek yogurt. You can blend it as much or as little as you want.  Use the yogurt sparingly at first to see the consistency.

Quinoa (keen-wah)

This can be cooked in many liquids. Each liquid will change the flavor slightly, and is fun to play with. You can also use plain old water and add seasoning that match with what you are going to use it with. OR, just water so it can go in multiple dishes.

Many people rinse their quinoa, and that is recommended, but I don't have a strainer small enough for the little tiny balls, so I just don't. And nobody has died yet!! haha

1 cup quinoa  
2 cups water

Bring to a boil, then simmer til water is gone. You can make your quinoa as soft or not so soft (not my favorite) as you want, the same as rice.


Tabbouleh (ta-boo-lee)
*this is normally made with bulgar**

Here is what I made on Wednesday:

2 cups quinoa Trader Joe's
1 cucumber Aldi's
1 avocado Aldi's
light italian dressing to taste Aldi's
lemon Aldi's

half avocado, slice in the skin, spoon out the slices into the quinoa
peel cucumber and chop or slice
chop green onions
mix dressing in
then add lemon to taste

more traditional
2 cups quinoa cooked Trader Joe's or main grocery stores in grain aisle
tomatoes (cut small or grape tomatoes cut in half)  Aldi's
2 green onions (use the white part as well)   main grocery stores
olive oil to taste  Aldi's
lemon to taste  Aldi's
salt and pepper to taste 


Warm Greek Quinoa Salad

2 cups quinoa  cooked
1/2 cup feta cheese crumbled  Aldi's
10-15 Kalamata olives  Trader Joe's
2 green onions chopped  Aldi's

2-3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
any low-fat, low-sugar balsamic vinagrette  (I use Maple Groves Farms Gluten Free Sugar Free Fat Free Balsamic Vinagrette)  Schnucks

Lemon is a key for this. You really need the acid to bring together all the flavors.

feta can be bought crumbled or blocks. no worries, just crumble up the block yourself. Sam's has excellent feta at a great price if you will use this alot. Otherwise Aldi's and Trader Joe's has the best price for the small amount. and it tastes great.

kalamata's can be purchased anywhere. I bought just the amount I needed at the salad bar, but also use Trader Joe's and they last a long time.

Mix all of this and stir.

********Please note: I am a person who tosses in what looks good, so forgive me if I left anything off that we covered on Wednesday. Does it look like it will work? Try it!!!*************

a few recipes I like

This is a paper I made up for the ladies at my church. I will send my revised version in a minute. The links should be available for everyone that I used.


There are different varieties of lettuce, such as iceberg, leaf, spinach, escarole, romaine, or butter. The darker lettuces offer more vitamins than pale iceberg, for example. Spinach has iron, and all varieties are low in calories. One cup of shredded lettuce has about 5 to 10 calories.

Types of Lettuce:

Red-tip leaf lettuce has a tender, sweet, delicate flavor that makes it versatile for many types of green salads.

Radicchio is bitter and peppery-tasting when eaten alone, but small amounts add a nice accent to other greens.

Spinach has a mildly hearty flavor and is often used raw in salads.

Swiss chard has large stems with a delicate flavor similar to celery; leaves have a hearty spinach-like flavor.

Romaine has large, crisp leaves and a slightly sharp flavor that make this the classic lettuce for Caesar salad.

Curly endive has a mildly bitter flavor and adds visual interest to salads.

Arugula has a peppery, pungent flavor that is an ideal contrast when mixed with milder greens. 

Strawberry Balsamic Salad with Basil and Feta

Yield: Serves 2


2 cups sliced strawberries
2-3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
5 basil leaves, chopped
1/4 cup feta cheese


1. Place sliced strawberries in a medium bowl. Drizzle strawberries with balsamic vinegar. Stir until strawberries are well coated.
2. Sprinkle fresh basil over the strawberries. Add feta cheese and stir.
3. Serve cold.

This delicious recipe brought to you by Two Peas & Their Pod

Chicken and Berry Salad

3 ounce skinless chicken breast - grilled, chopped, and chilled
  • 1 cup each - blueberries, raspberries, chopped strawberries
  • 1/3 cup each - raw chopped green beans, carrots and red peppers
  • 1 cup chopped lettuce
  • 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds
  • 2 Tbsp fat-free Italian salad dressing
Just toss all ingredients together. Chill and serve.
(55g carbohydrate, 380 calories, 12% calories from fat)


Great Grain Side Dishes
Article By: Leslie Fink, MS, RD

Barley, bulgur, wheat berries, couscous and more.
Walk the grain aisle at a natural foods store or well stocked grocer and you’ll be amazed at the variety.

Yet white rice and regular pasta seem to take center stage in the majority of American grain-based recipes. Both have 5 PointsPlus™ values per cup and are typically less nutritious than many of their high-fiber, high-protein counterparts. Some grains even have fewer PointsPlus values:
PointsPlus values per cooked cup
Wild Rice
Regular Couscous
Whole Wheat Couscous
Whole Wheat Pasta
Time to try something new
Here’s a collection of grain side dishes that can be enjoyed as they are, beefed up with protein for lunch or dinner, or stuffed and baked into large bell peppers for an exciting vegetarian entrée.
Quinoa and Spinach
Weight Watchers Recipe

Course: side dishes
PointsPlus™ Value:    3
Servings:  8
Preparation Time:  12 min
Cooking Time:  25 min
Level of Difficulty:  Easy

Quinoa’s delicate flavor pairs well with spinach. Since it’s not an actual grain, it makes an excellent Passover side dish.


1 Tbsp olive oil   
1 large onion(s), minced   
1 clove(s) garlic clove(s), minced (medium)   
1 cup(s) uncooked quinoa, rinsed (or purchase pre-rinsed quinoa)*   
2 cup(s) reduced-sodium chicken broth   
1/8 tsp black pepper   
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes, optional   
4 cup(s) spinach, baby leaves, packed, coarsely chopped   
1/2 tsp table salt   


  • Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, until onion is tender, about 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Add quinoa to skillet; cook, stirring frequently, until quinoa starts to turn golden brown, about 2 minutes.
  • Add broth, black pepper and red pepper flakes to skillet; bring to a boil. Cover skillet and reduce heat to low and simmer for 13 minutes; stir in spinach. Cover skillet and cook until spinach and quinoa are tender and liquid is absorbed, about 3 to 5 minutes; season with salt. Yields about 1/2 cup per serving.

  • *To rinse quinoa, place quinoa in a fine wire-mesh sieve. Place in sink and set under cold running water until water runs clear; shake off excess liquid.

    Quinoa is available in the grain or natural food section of the supermarket.

Warm Barley Salad
Weight Watchers Recipe

Course: side dishes
PointsPlus™ Value:    6
Servings:  4
Preparation Time:  10 min
Cooking Time:  12 min
Level of Difficulty:  Easy

This simple side dish makes a wonderful accompaniment to any spring meal. The combination of salty capers and feta, and slightly sweet vinaigrette is fantastic.


1 cup(s) uncooked barley, quick-cooking variety   
1/4 tsp table salt   
1/2 cup(s) feta cheese, crumbles   
1 Tbsp capers   
1 tsp dill, minced   
1/4 cup(s) scallion(s), minced (green parts only)   
4 tsp low-fat vinaigrette   
1/4 tsp black pepper   
1 tsp lemon zest, freshly grated   


  • Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a medium-size pot; stir in barley and salt. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until barley is tender, about 10 minutes. (There may still be some water in the pot. If so, cover the barley and set it aside for 10 minutes for the liquid to be absorbed. Or you can drain the barley).
  • Spoon cooked barley into a serving bowl; add cheese, capers, dill, scallions, vinaigrette, pepper and lemon zest. Stir gently but well; serve warm. Yields about 3/4 cup per serving.


  • Oregano and chives are also delicious in this salad. Replace the dill weed and scallions with a quarter teaspoon of dried crushed oregano and two tablespoons of minced chives.

    For extra flavor and color, consider stirring two cups of torn baby spinach leaves into the salad just before serving and increase the dressing to taste (could affect PointsPlus values).

From Amanda Sodam:
Fruit Crisp
(Modified recipe from The Joy of Cooking)
2 bag of frozen berries
1 bag of frozen peaches
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon flour
Butter your pan. Then mix the filling ingredients inside the pan. Fruit does not need to be thawed.

1 stick of butter
¾ cup all-purpose flour
¾ cup brown sugar
½ tsp salt
½ to 1 tsp cinnamon
About 2/3 cup oats
About 1/3 cup chopped pecans (you can definitely add more if you want)

Mix all the dry ingredients together really well. The recipe says to cut in solid butter, but I just melt it, pour it over and mix it in. Cutting in butter is often too much work. Crumble over filling.
Bake for about 40 minutes or until the filling is bubbly and hot. Serve warm with ice cream or honey Greek yogurt.

Microwave Popcorn

"Believe it or not, you can make your own delicious, low-fat microwave popcorn using standard popping corn and a brown paper lunch bag. It works perfectly."
1/2 cup unpopped popcorn
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
In a cup or small bowl, mix together the unpopped popcorn and oil. Pour the coated corn into a brown paper lunch sack, and sprinkle in the salt. Fold the top of the bag over twice to seal in the ingredients.
Cook in the microwave at full power for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes, or until you hear pauses of about 2 seconds between pops. Carefully open the bag to avoid steam, and pour into a serving bowl.
Printed from 7/13/2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Not doing so good at this daily recording thing. I  have had a rotten week with recording in all aspects of life. Gonna work on that.

Friday night I had some awesome ham and bean soup that my sister in law made. She is a great cook.

Then we went to a benefit concert for A group that is fighting back against sex trafficking. One of the musicians was a Christian rap artist and here is a picture of my brother and pastor dancing to it.

So, on saturday, here is what I ate at Casa Gallardo:

I got the shrimp fajitas without the garlic butter sauce. I ate 5 pieces of shrimp and 1/4 cup beans. Dipped in some sour cream. It was tasty.
 I ate 4 more pieces of shrimp for a snack later in the night.

Here is what I ate at Applebees on Saturday for lunch:

I got the lunch salad and soup. Shrimp and spinach salad with tomato basil soup. I also ate a few tortilla chips. Maybe 5?

Ok, I'll catch up more later.

Monday, April 25, 2011

easter friday and saturday

Well...I didn't do so hot recording my food this weekend. I tend to get sidetracked on the wknds. Gotta work on that. I know I can use my cell phone for pictures, but usually remember after I have eaten.

Anyway, on friday night we had a tornado come through town. An F4. It hit just west and north of my town. The airport is just now getting back to normal flights, and the town of Maryland Heights got hit severly.  Thank God it missed my house/neighborhood. I did spend an hour or so in the basement.

All that to say, I've learned some eating triggers. I eat mindlessly when I am nervous/scared. Which I was nervous on friday night. I decided to eat more of the hot and spicy cheezits than I needed. (which was none, but they were there) 

Saturday morning I left the house early to go to the store and then to church to meetup with folks to help clean up tornado hit areas. I don't remember what I ate, probably beef jerky or a protein bar.  I ate some more protein while we were cooking lunch for the workers. And I drank alot during that time.

Around 1 I left the tornado neighborhood and headed to my brothers house to prepare Greek food for Easter dinner. Don't remember what I ate, but know I was sure that i had gotten in my protein and liquids for saturday.

I went to my dad's house around 6 to make our family Easter tradition, Easter Pie. It's more like a cheesy/meaty quiche than a pie, and it is def not a dessert. I tasted it after it was made and didn't think I wanted much.

Ok, that's saturday.

I'll get sunday later. Headed to the store to get stuff to make a protein full pudding pie.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

94 days out

I am 94 days out and 72.6 lbs less. Wow. That is so exciting. My weight loss is 45lbs since day of surgery, 52lbs since pre-op diet, and 72.6lbs since September 2011. I am very proud of these stats. I know that I had surgery and that this tool is helping me, but I will never let anyone tell me that I haven't worked hard for it. I work out, I journal my food, I think about what goes in my mouth, I make daily decisions to avoid bad food and bad environments. This is my journey and I am loving the work.

Yesterday I went to see my NUT for a clarification on calories. I have been told to up my calories from a friend. My NUT mentioned that 1200 calories is good for a 3 month pouch. She mentioned this in my group follow-up appointment. I thought OK, far from 1200 cal, but I will try. Then I got overwhelmed with the fact that I am absolutely not able to take in 1200 calories yet. So, since my NUT has open office hours, I decided to go see her yesterday. The summary of that meeting: Eat like you are now, Good job! Don't worry so much about numbers. Focus on my protein, like I have been, and then add in vegies/whole grains. I should take 3 bites of protein and 1 bite of vegie/grain. Working towards my goal of 1/2 plate protein, 1/4 plate vegie and 1/4 plate whole grain.  So that is do-able. I left feeling much better about how I have been trying to make my calorie count.

She did mention that she thought it would be helpful to journal more than just my food. I utilize a free website from the company that made the staples for my surgery.  It is a great tool and it keeps track of my weight, food, exercise, goals, and measurements. I really like it. But it doesn't really have a place for journaling emotions and struggles.

SO!!! I am going to attempt to do that here.  I was really good at this blog for a while, but let it fall aside. Now I am back and with a vengeance. I am making this weight loss thing work. I will be a success story. Why? because I will do what is proven to work. I will listen to advice of other successful people. I will work HARD. Daily!!!! It's not an option. I put my life on the line for this surgery and I will be successful.

NSV!!!! big one! (nsv- non scale victory)
Last night I went to the park with Amelia (~3) and we played. We have been to this park before and I have wanted to join her more, but was limited. So last night after a 1 1/2 mile walk, we were at the park. I thought, "Should I try the swing? what if I'm still too big? i don't want to discourage myself." So I tried the swing. WHAT AN AWESOME FEELING!! I forgot how much I like swinging. I haven't been able to because my backside/hips were too big and it would pinch me. And it looked awful. I sat down and didn't have that feeling at all. Amazing!!!

So Abbe cooked some chicken and carrots for dinner last night and it tasted way better than when I cook it. Seriously. I think food tastes better when I don't have to cook it. I am a good cook, but ....her's was better. When I got home I was snacky feeling. So I ate some Hot n spicy cheezits and some peanuts. Salt fest!!! Gotta keep those things out of my diet. That upped my calories and carbs for the day, but still got in 92 grams of protein yesterday. I was emotionally hungry and that's why I ate the carbs so late at night. Need to figure that part out.

I have found that I am bored when I get home. I can watch tv, but it doesn't keep my attention. Gotta figure that out too, cause I need time each day to stop and do nothing. I can't run myself ragged like I have in the past. Maybe I can read more. I am reading a memior from a mennonite lady and loving it. I also will start reading "Anne of Green Gables" soon for a book club. Love it!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Many of you wonder why i don't drink with my meal.....

Why we don't drink with meals ...

UPDATED -- This post has been updated with a re-write on May 14, 2010.

After Weight Loss Surgery we are given many new and unusual rules that we must abide by for the rest of our lives. But the idea that we must change the way we think about a behavior forever can be daunting. Sometimes understanding why the rule exists helps us to be more compliant with these new rules.

The Rule
No drinking with meals or for 30 to 60 minutes after a meal (this includes snacks too). In this article we’ll explore the reasons why this rule is so important and what happens when we don’t follow the rule.

The Old Anatomy
First, let’s understand how our old stomach used to work. Before Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery you had a normal stomach with a pyloric valve at the bottom to keep food inside the stomach while it began the digestive process.

The stomach is a powerful muscle that contracts around the food in a churning motion. The stomach release gastric acid (made up mostly of hydrochloric acid) to further break down food as it’s churned. As food is broken down enough the pyloric valve (a trap door, really) opens to let some food particles out of the stomach and into the small intestine. This churning process continues and the pyloric valve will keep opening and closing as more food is prepared for release. This process can take 2 to 3 hours in a normal stomach. It’s much different after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.

The New Anatomy
After RNY the pyloric valve is no longer part of the newly formed pouch. It remains at the bottom of the stomach which is bypasses, so we will never use the pylorus again to control the flow of food from the stomach to the small intestine.

Our new stomach pouch is shaped like a funnel. Which is a larger bowl shape at the top with a small narrow opening at the bottom. The food we eat is held in place in the larger upper portion of the funnel and gravity allows food to slowly flow out the lower narrow opening at the bottom of the pouch. That narrow opening is called the anastomosis or “stoma” for short.
With our new pouch we have to mimic the action of the pyloric valve manually and the only way to keep food in our pouch is to eat dense foods and not mix it with liquid.

The Food
The more dense the food, the longer it can stay in the pouch. The softer and more liquid the food, the sooner it will empty from the pouch. Dense food can stay in your pouch for 1.5 to 2 hours if you don't drink water. But the moment you add water (or any liquid) to the pouch, you are creating a "soup" that will quickly empty out of your pouch.

Soft foods that slide straight through the stomach pouch are called “slider foods” and include things like yogurt, soup, pudding or ice cream. Although these are good foods to consume in the early stages after surgery, be careful not to get into the habit of using slider foods as your main food source.

Of course when your pouch is empty you’ll get hungry sooner. For new post-ops, this isn’t a major concern because the hunger hasn’t returned fully. But for those further out from surgery, the hunger can be ravenous for some and the primary way to stave off hunger is to keep food in the stomach pouch for as long as possible. This is why it’s recommended that the further out you are from surgery, the longer you wait to begin drinking after meals (60-90 minutes).

The New Digestive Process
About 40% of the digestive enzymes required to fully break down simple starch-based carbohydrates is contained in our saliva (known as ptyalin). To break down complex carbohydrates, protein and fat, our body requires the addition of gastric acid and other digestive enzymes normally produced in the stomach. But our new stomach pouch does not produce in any significant amount of gastric acid or enzymes. This is one of the main reasons why we need to chew, chew, chew really well.

Once food gets to the pouch, the digestive enzymes from our saliva and the limited amount produced by the stomach go to work on the food to begin breaking it down. Our pouch doesn't churn as much as our old stomach used to, but there is still some movement with that well-chewed food.

The longer food stays in the pouch, the more it is broken down and prepared for the intestines to do their work of grabbing micro and macro-nutrients from the food. If we wash the food out too quickly a few different things happen. First, if food is not properly prepared for optimal absorption (chewed well, mixed with enzymes) we risk having food move too quickly through our digestive track without the benefit of full nutrient absorption. Second, if food is not well chewed or broken down, we are also at greater risk for intestinal blockages or constipation.

The Other Big Risk
There's also the risk of stretching the stoma (the opening between the pouch and intestines). If you have dense food that has not yet begun to be digested in the pouch and you drink water you are forcing dense food through the stoma prematurely. The opening is only about the size of a lady’s index finger, but if you habitually push food through the opening before its ready to go, you'll eventually stretch the stoma. This is far more worrisome than stretching your pouch. Once the stoma is stretched it can become the same diameter as the pouch itself. This would essentially create one big long tube that food can be packed into at meals. Need a visual? Stretching your stoma would give you a 20-foot long stomach.

This caution from surgeons is not a scare tactic. This rule is about biology and medical science because now you have to manually do the work of the pyloric valve that has been bypassed. By following this rule for the rest of your life, you’ll properly prepare your food to give your body the best chance of absorbing the vital nutrients it needs for survival as well as achieve the level of satiety needed to reduce hunger between meals.
borrowed from
This article can be downloaded as a PDF.

Check out this video from Former Fat Dudes - a visual lesson!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

6 weeks out

ok, so I haven't been so good at this blogging thing. I think about writing out my thoughts but don't always do it. But today as I sit here taking a day off of work because I'm tired and struggling, I think I need to write this out.

I've been doing really well with this surgery. God has been really good to me and have had very few challenges. I'm excercising almost daily and progressed from soft foods pretty easily. Since Sept, when I started working on this "weight thing", I have lost 50 lbs. Hooray. I am wearing jeans that haven't fit for years and they won't fit much longer. Hooray. I am "losing" out of my shirts quickly. This is the fun part. The reward you might say for all this hard work.

I haven't thrown up much. Only if I ate something too fast. But last night was different. I think the food I ate didn't like me. I had some homemade salsa, which was awesome, but don't think it cared for me much. Then today, I ate some brown rice and salmon. I think I ate too much rice, because my chest started hurting after about 20 minutes. I thought it wanted to explode. I ended up throwing up a little bit and it was better. But the "foamies" lingered for a little longer. At least I got the protein from my lunch.

I took today off, cause I was super tired and really frustrated with my fluid intake and myself in general. I haven't failed, or cheated, but this stall stuff is hard. I have lost only 2 lbs in 3 weeks. I know this isn't a quick fix, but my brain is still hoping for a morning when I wake up and this weight is all gone. sooner than later. Don't tell me this isn't mental. Wow.

I've st around most of today. Done a few loads of laundry and went through some paperwork. I set a timer for every 5 minutes and am drinking fine. Really wish I could take another day to do this, but can't. I will slow my life down again. I think I've hurried back into my crazy schedule of doing everything possible, and I need to slow it down again. I don't like the dark circles under my eyes. These went away after the surgery.

I also decided today, that I am changing vitamins. I am going to order from Bariatric Advantage instead of the Flinstones. This will cost more, but I feel I need to do it to prevent malnutrition.

I'm feeling better this afternoon and have a better outlook on this journey.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 17 of my new me

So last night I tried peanut butter for the 4th time. That didn't go so well times 1-3, but time 4 went horrible. I wanted to throw up so badly but there was nothing in my pouch to get rid of by the time the feeling came. I just walked around the house in circles for about 15 minutes.

This morning I tried eating a hard-boiled egg without cutting it up first. Just small bites. Nope. That didn't work and I actually threw up for the first time since surgery. Here's my fear: I used to throw up alot and it comes very easy to me. I hate throwing up, but love how it relieves my pain, physical. Don't get me wrong, I don't throw up just cause. I just have a sensitive stomach/bowel.

Overall, this has been a relatively good journey. 17 days and 24 pounds, total 51 pounds since sept., depending on the scales. I am so proud of myself. I have worked really hard and obeyed all of the rules I've been given. I truly like and respect my nutritionist, nurses and doctor. My NUT is available through email or phone most of the time.

I am going to be on my own again today and am starting work next week. 3 weeks off and I don't really miss it. I do however miss being busy. I start tutoring again tonight, weather permiting.I want to start babysitting again, but am not sure I'm up for adding those hours in yet. I usually sit 4-8hrs a week, but they are late night hours. Good pay and good kids, but I need to get my rest and focus on keeping healthy. So, I'm going to hold off for a little. Going from nothing to everything isn't the smartest yet. So hopefully the sitting will still be there.

My scars look really nice! They are healing well and one is almost gone.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remainder of Pre-op

Pre-op days 6-1
Ok, so somewhere along the way I lost my blogging efforts. I did great through the pre-op. I kept to all the rules and didn't break down and cheat at all. I really am proud of myself. My life got a little hectic the last week. I had been trying to get my house cleaned up and organized, get my work stuff finished completely and also keep getting my rest.  My sister came in on saturday to stay for a week. I moved to my Dad's house on sunday before the surgery. Man, I moved alot of stuff over. A big pillow for the couch (didn't use til wk 2), my own pillow, my snuggie, all my tea's (didn't use any), my magic bullet (used daily), my protein shakes, my clothes.  It seemed like alot more when I was moving it all out.

Day Of Surgery
So I had to be at the hospital by 5:30 on 1/17/11. I weighed in and was happy. I started at 327 and the day of the surgery I weighed in at 299. That is awesome 27lbs in 4 months. I was sooooooo proud of myself. Some of you will understand how it felt seeing that number. It's been a long time. Well, when I got there they put me in the outpatient pre-op area. My family went to the waiting area and I went and sat in the curtained area for a long time it seemed.  Getting ready for surgery wasn't bad, but it gave me time to get nervous. I ended up writing a letter to everyone. I finally got rolled into the surgery area and left my family again.  I expected to have been waiting in my room with them, not bad, was just surprised to have so much time with my thoughts. Anyway, saw the dr twice and then the anesthia kicked in and I slightly remember moving onto the surgery table. I remember them putting my arms out and that's it. Next thing I know I was awake in my room with everyone. Wow, I love my family, but I felt shitty and didn't care who was there. Seriously. I had absolutely no idea what to expect after the surgery.

3 days/2 nights in hospital.
I was up and moving around that day, I also took pain meds the entire first day. Wasn't in too much pain, but enough. Day 2 I woke up and my left arm was hurting. My IV was in that arm. I also noticed that my arm was swollen alot. When I pointed it out, they took awhile but finally took it out. My veins don't like needles much. They told me pre-op that they would re-try putting my iv in after I was asleep since it was soo hard to do. Anyway, they tried to replace the IV in my right arm and couldn't. Gratefully it was time for my swallow test. I passed it, so they didn't need to give me a new IV. I could have liquids and ice. I was really nauseas though so it was difficult. The hospital gave me this really sweet drink and I couldn't really do that. My cousin came in and kissed my forehead and I got nauseas. My dad came in and did the same, and I got nauseas. Crazy. I never threw up, but would gag and spit alittle. Because of the nausea I stayed an extra night. By day 3 I was super ready to go home.

***My sister was soooo helpful those days. She was the best nurse ever. She would walk with me, encourage me, everything.  When we got home, she became a mean nurse. She pushed me to do everything I was supposed to. I'm so grateful she was here for me***

The rest of my life:
So on thursday my Aunt Judy came in from Vermont! I miss her so much! She had bypass about 11 yrs ago and was successful. She changed her lifestyle and exercises everyday. What a great example for me. It was a great thing to have here with me. I couldn't drinkmuch or eat much for the first few days. My side hurt a little but overall I felt really well.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pre-op days 9-7

  1/7 day 10 completed: TThe end of today was a rough emotional day for me. I found out a friend committed suicide on friday. I didn't want to eat though. I guess I'm very focused right now, but I did however go to bed very early. I was asleep before 7 and slept til 5am on saturday

1/8 Day 9 Woke up at 5 and stuck to my schedule fine. Didn't have much trouble, but didn't do much either. Still sad about my friend.

1/9 Day 8  Wow, adding my church schedule into this was tough. I had shake 1 at 7:30ish. At church from 8-1:30. Didn't get more than 24 oz in here. Had shake 2 at 2ish. Then shopped and had a large tea from starbucks. Life group at 6 I had shake 3. I also had 1 cup broth and on the way home tried to finish up my water. Was tired at home and didn't feel like eating, so went to bed at 10ish. Should have added in another shake, but didn't.

1/8 Day 7. Wow!! I am super hungry today. Sticking to my schedule pretty well though. Need to find a way to get in exercise. It is supposed to snow, so maybe I can take a walk in it and then take a hot shower. I also need to clean today and finish up the laundry. Finish it tmw.

**I am slightly emotional about my friend's suicide and then slightly tired from the diet. But overall, I'm happy with how I feel. Headache on day 8 & 7, but could be stress and aunt flo! I got on the scale today and it was up. How is that possible?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pre-op days 13-10

I have chosen to count down the days til my surgery and it works out perfectly with my liquid diet. So I have 9 more days to go. I'm gonna backtrack a little.

1/3 Pre-op appointment and NUT class. Great info, and concise packet of information to use during this transition. Didn't start my diet today because I didn't know requirements. Found out that doing a 14 day liquid diet shortens the time of my surgery by 18minutes. Cool, less time under anesthesia. What is going on with my body. Went to bed at 11ish last night and up at 3am. Wide awake. Yucky.

1/4  Day 13 Started the liquid diet. Using the "magic bullet" alot and like the flavor of Body Fortress protein powder French vanilla. Didn't struggle too badly. I have a glass of something in my hands at all times. Worked at 5 this morning and didn't go to bed very early, so really tired.

1/5 Day 12  Not too bad today. Really liked my chicken broth. My mental hunger was kicking in. Drove past Wendy's and wanted it. I haven't eaten fast food in 5 months. I was going to watch Top Chef and couldn't. Way too much teasing. Went to bed at 7:30 tonight and got up at 4am. Nice, needed a good night sleep. Today was the pre-registration and tests. I had blood drawn, an ekg (which was just seconds) and a chest x-ray. It wasn't bad at all and only took 2 hrs. So tried to take a nap, but didn't. Went to bed around 11.

1/6 Day 11  Today would have been my mother's 68th birthday so I spent the evening with my aunt, Sis, who is the next best thing. It was nice we sat and talked and drank tea and chicken broth together. I also got the diarrhea that I was told about. Yuck!!!  Was asleep by 9:15 and slept til 5ish. It was nice to get a second solid night of sleep.

**side note: It really surprises me how sensitive people are to my not eating real food. This may change later on, but people have offered to: not heat food up in the microwave closest to me, join me in drinking shakes for 14 days, eat soup so it seems similar. I really appreciate it, but tell them I will have to fight with food the rest of my life, so don't stop eating in front of me.***

 1/7 Day 10  I'm totally surprised at how easy this really seems. I bought a chocolate form of the protein shake I've been using. Found out it works fine just to shake it up in milk also. Bought 2 new bottles so I have 3 really solid ones that don't leak, I think. TH is still doing shakes with me. So nice. Hoping to get a little bit of work done in the house today, but still very tired. Maybe a little tonight and more tmw.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's a GO!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, my appointment for approval submission for my WLS was on Dec 13. They submitted on Dec 14. I went to lunch with a great friend on Dec 22 and my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but decided to take it. As I was bringing the phone to my ear I realized it was my dr's office. I WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!!!  I can't explain how excited I am. No words for seeing the end of the tunnel. 36 yrs of being overweight and now I am getting such a huge tool to change that. WOW!!!!

I had a great Christmas and enjoyed some foods that I haven't in the last few months. I was cautious, but not good when it comes to eating healthy. Well, I just went tot the Dr's on 1/3 and lost 4lbs through all of that. Hooray! That just shows me that I am focused even through my "last meals". It felt really good to see that loss.

I started my 14 day (13 day really) liquid diet on Tuesday. Not too bad. I like one of the powders pretty good, but am working on liking the EAS pre-packaged strawberry ones. This morning I mixed in some Cherry Kool-aid in with it and some Splenda. We shall see around 10 if I like it. I guess it just has an aftertaste.

One of my Fabulous Aunts bought me a Magic Bullet. What an awesome kitchen tool!!!! I really like the ease of this for making my shakes. I am excited to use it after surgery for blending and pureeing food.

I go today for my pre-op testing at the Hospital and then my surgery has been scheduled for Jan 17 @ 8am. I have to be there at 6am for prep. Wow, it's really here.

My sister is coming in to keep me calm through the final days before surgery. I am staying at my Dad's house for a while to make it easier for everyone. My Aunt Judy is coming in the thursday after to stay for a week. I'm excited for that for many reasons, but she is 10+yrs out from WLS and is such an encouragement and will understand how to help me the best.

Can't wait. Bought a new computer last night (ugh for old one dying) and so I will have a computer to work on while off work. Hooray!